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Leo C


11+和13+考試都是在英國中學Year 7和Year 9一個普遍的入學考試。



以下四種答題技巧都可以讓你在這個劇烈競爭的環境當中脫穎而出,順利能夠拿到Offer,而這四種技巧都已經在我們Leo Tuition的英文課程當中得到了驗證,順利能夠幫助到學生的。

1. 在文章上尋找答案






Texas in general is a paradise for bats because of all its tasty insects.

Q: The Congress Avenue Bridge attracts bats to Austin. What else attracts bats to Texas?

Many campaigned to have the bat colony eradicated. It was frightening. Back then, we thought they'd attack us by pulling out our hair or that they'd carry disease.

Q: According to Harriet, why did some people in Austin dislike bats? Write two reasons.


The howl pierced the darkening sky and made Innis Munro stop dead in his tracks. He pulled his hood down, [and] listened intently. The only sound was his beating heart. That was a wolf, he thought.

But it couldn't have been. There were no wolves on the island of Nin, no wolves in Scotland any more, not for almost 300 years. It was just a trick of the wind. He pressed on but kept his hood down. The afternoon light of early March was fading fast, snow was falling, and he was still a good half mile from home.

Q: How far from home was Innis when he first heard the wolf howl?

By day, the Congress Avenue Bridge in the city of Austin could hardly look more normal: a grey, dreary city-centre road bridge. By night, it plays host to one of the most amazing shows nature has to offer. The underside of the bridge is home to more than a million bats, and every evening in summer they all come swarming out at once, rising up into the city sky like a tornado before spreading out in all directions like plumes of smoke. Standing on the bridge, you might even feel the wind from their wings as they pass by.

Austin is the capital city of the state of Texas in the USA, but it is also the bat capital of North America.

Q: In which American state is the Congress Avenue Bridge found?



2 - 理解和解釋單詞的含義




No, this large number of bats is quite new. A few bats had lived under the bridge for years. It was headline news when they suddenly began moving in by the thousands after engineers rebuilt the Congress Avenue Bridge in 1980 - they had no idea that they were creating such an ideal bat home. So, when these bats first came, they were seen as uninvited guests. Many campaigned to have the bat colony eradicated.

Q: Find and copy one word which means 'a group of bats living together'.

It's true that bats easily outnumber humans in Texas, but they're vulnerable because they live in very large groups.

Q: Harriet describes bats as vulnerable. Which of the following [four terms] is closest in meaning to vulnerable - foolish, at risk, frightening or tormented?

He pressed on but kept his hood down. The afternoon light of early March was fading fast, snow was falling, and he was still a good half mile from home.

Q: What does pressed on mean in the text?

It was the unmistakable silhouette of a wolf.

Q: Which of the following [words] is closest in meaning to unmistakable - unlikely, unfamiliar, possible or definite?

3 - 仔細閱讀並弄清楚發生了什麼






Priya woke with a start, her heart beating fast. Something had disturbed her but she wasn't sure what. Abby was still sleeping quietly beside her, and the night-light glowed, but now she could see things inside the tent, and she realised that the moon must have risen. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but then she heard something rustling outside.

Q: How can you tell Priya was nervous? Write two ways.

Priya was surprised, and now she was completely awake. They had only seen a couple of cars all day, and now two had come past together.

Q: Why did Priya find it surprising to hear two vehicles drive by?

Very quietly, so as not to wake Abby, she unfastened the zip of the tent. She pulled back the gap and realised she could see the whole valley, blue and black and silver in the moonlight. Directly opposite, on the far side of the valley, she saw two pairs of headlights, not moving.

Q: How can you tell that the moonlight was very bright?



"Then it hit her"

Q: What is "it"?

"You'd better not be making this up."

Q: Why does Abby say this to Priya?

4 - 快速閱讀並快速做出決定




給學生們三篇課文,分別是 623、817 和 612 個字,總共 2,052 個字。

英國教育部沒有列出平均 11 歲兒童的預期閱讀速度,但美國教育研究大致表明,每分鐘 150 個單詞是該年齡段默讀的良好目標。所以這些段落只讀一遍就需要 14 分鐘。

Leo sir 建議這就是家長應該給孩子設定的目標。

繼續以今年的SATS作為例子,38 道題包含另外 1,142 個單詞,每個聰明的學生都記得每道題都讀兩遍的建議,這樣又佔了 15 分鐘。

再把以上的數據重新算一下,你就會得出他們平均每條問題有 49 秒的時間來瀏覽相關段落,找出答案並寫下來。







網站是全自動運作,註冊,報名和付款都在網站上進行,付款成功後自動就會收到上課的Zoom link。


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