24AUT GCSE Y9Y10 Non-Fic. writing1-Helen
Phase 1. 1-to-3.
Service Description
Phase 1 It is a 1-to-3 course. Leo Education's GCSE Non-Fiction Writing course equips students with the essential skills to excel in crafting compelling and purposeful non-fiction texts. Students will gain a critical understanding of the different types of texts within the non-fiction genre, including newspaper articles, opinion writing, informal and formal letters, as well as biographical and autobiographical writing. Our course is specifically tailored to students preparing for their GCSE English Language examination and represents 25% of the overall marks to be gained in the exam. Students will receive targeted guidance on exam-specific requirements, including question interpretation, and effective response strategies. By the end of the course, participants will have learned the art of structuring their writing to convey information clearly, persuasively, and with precision. 1: Genre, audience and purpose To learn the reading and analysis skills required for non-fiction texts. HW: Analysis of the genre, audience and purpose of different types of non-fiction texts. 2: Reading the news To recognise different types of news articles HW: Analysis of different types of news articles 3: Writing the news To write a newspaper article, including writing catchy headlines HW: Writing a newspaper article 4: Expressing Your Opinion To express a forceful and compelling opinion on a topic. HW: Writing an opinion piece 5: Comparing non-fiction texts To compare perspectives in two non-fiction texts from different eras. HW: Analysis exercise based on lesson’s content. 6: Letter Writing To understand the purpose of letter writing and the different contexts for correspondence HW: Writing a letter 7: Autobiography Vs. Biography To understand the difference between autobiographical and biographical writing HW: Analysis exercise based on lesson’s content 8: Biography writing To write a biography HW: Writing a biography 9: Uplevelling our writing To improve the technical accuracy of our writing HW: Editing exercise based on marking and feedback on prior work. 10: Final Assessment and Feedback To display knowledge of all you have learned HW: Revision
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+44 7458 306275