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25Easter 11+ Verbal Reasoning 1 - Zak

Phase 2. 1-to-4.

Starts 7 Apr
480 British pounds


Service Description

Phase 2 It is a 1-to-4 course. Overview: This 2-phase course is designed to cover ALL of the ESSENTIAL TOPICS for 11+ VERBAL REASONING. The course is designed to focus on a particular topic or set of topics each week, methodically and thoroughly covering a broad spectrum of Verbal Reasoning question-types. The course is aimed at students who are NEW to VR but could also be taken by candidates wishing to REVISE or SUPPLEMENT the subject. The aim of the course is to give students a grounding in the ESSENTIAL TOPICS for Verbal Reasoning but also to BOOST THEIR CONFIDENCE in the subject, providing them with a firm foundation to continue practicing on their own with a view to sitting 11+ Entrance Examination papers in the future. The students will receive weekly REVISION RESOURCES after each lesson and complete a set of HOMEWORK QUESTIONS (via Atom Learning) after each lesson to boost each topic! Phase 2 1 Analogies & Odd Ones Out Lateral Thinking 1: This term we begin with 3 LATERAL THINKING lessons, looking carefully at a number of advanced VR questions that test a student's ability to infer, deduce and use logic to answer questions. 2 Word Problems & Logic Lateral Thinking 2: Continuing our work from last week, we turn our attention to Word Problems and Logic. 3 True or False Statements Lateral Thinking 3: Finally, we consider True/False Statement questions. It often require students to hold more information in their heads and sift through longer texts to discover correct statements. 4 Crosswords & Morphing Words Puzzles 2: Linking with our work in Term 1, we consider 2 new kinds of Puzzles Questions in the form of Crosswords and Morphing. These questions test not only ACCURATE SPELLING but also the student's SPATIAL AWARENESS. Lesson 5, 6 and 7 Codebreaking 1 (Number Codes), 2 (Letter Codes), 3 (2-to-1 Rules) This group of 3 lessons teaches the students everything they need to know about Codebreaking: this is one of the most diverse clusters of VR questions and also an area that is new to many students. In addition, Codebreaking questions range from fairly easy to very advanced in 11+ VR. Lesson 8 and 9 Algebra 1 (Beginners and advanced) Our final 2 lessons of term cover the basics of Algebra, a form of equation-based mathematics that combines words and numbers. 10 END OF TERM ASSESSMENT In our final lesson of term, the students will attempt a REAL 11+ VERBAL REASONING PAPER.

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Contact Details

+44 7458 306275

+44 7402847510 (UK)

+44 7458303287 (UK)

+44 7838900008 (Hong Kong)

Unit 1901, 19th Floor, No.333 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

@2024 Little Lion Education Ltd

Little Lion Education Ltd. is registered in England and Wales (Company No. 11448885 ) with a registered office address at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU

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