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Online by Zoom

25Easter Primary Debate 1 - Millie

Phase 2. 1-to-6.

Starts 14 Apr
190 British pounds


Service Description

Phase 2: 1-to-6 course. Phase 2 content. Our debate courses are hugely popular amongst our younger students. The students learn how to discuss, argue and debate in the English language. The course focuses on such areas as what makes a good debater, being able to plan a good debate, being able to use formal language and connectives in a speech and being able to plan and write a speech and debate it with other students. The students will learn how to discuss a variety of relevant topics and ideas, focusing on school, home and current affairs. Each session will introduce a key concept or debating skill. This material will be published in a Rise document to be circulated to the group in advance. Students will be asked to read this material before the lesson. Each session will begin with a brief exploration of this material (and a chance to answer questions) before we move into a debate, where the students will have the chance to apply the key concept or skill. In each lesson, a different member of the group will prepare an opening argument in response to the debating question. They will present this to the group. Other members of the group will be expected to prepare relevant questions and arguments to be raised in the debate. Lesson 1: Key concept: Where do I stand - This lesson invites students to form an opinion on a particular issue, to not be afraid to let others know where they stand, to give reasons for their opinion and to change their opinion if persuaded to do so after discussion with others. Debating question: Various questions will be posed in this one. Lesson 2: Key concept: Say it with Style - To help students identify different styles of speaking some of which are very helpful and others they should try and avoid. Debating question: Is Christmas the best time of the year? Lesson 3: Key concept: Refutation and rebuttal - g. Refutation and rebuttal are the methods of counter arguing. Debating question: The best present to get this year is ….......? Lesson 4: Key concept: I couldn’t disagree more -Prompts students to think about points critically, and come up with effective responses Debating question: Class leader will pose motions for the children to disagree with. Lesson 5: Key concept: Reasoning and Evidence - Reasoning and evidence denotes the argumentation skills students need. Debating question: Various questions will be posed in this one.

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Contact Details

+44 7458 306275

+44 7402847510 (UK)

+44 7458303287 (UK)

+44 7838900008 (Hong Kong)

Unit 1901, 19th Floor, No.333 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

@2024 Little Lion Education Ltd

Little Lion Education Ltd. is registered in England and Wales (Company No. 11448885 ) with a registered office address at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU

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